
incl. regulation

When you fit an electrical heating surface, you can raise the fresh air temperature to the desired level at any time. The electrical heating surface is supplied ready to fit into the fresh air duct and, for easy fitting, the device is pre-fitted with all the required sensors.

The supply temperature can always be raised to the required level using a water heating element. The water heating element is designed to be built into the duct and must be connected to the primary heating supply. Supplied with two-way adjustment valve, temperature sensor and frost thermostat.

With a CO2-sensor installed, the ventilation speed can be pre-programmed with CTS 602 to run at a higher ventilation steps when CO2 reaches high level in the extract air. CO2-level is programmable.

A pollen filter class F7 can be fitted in the unit. The pollen filter is fitted with the G4 plate filter.